The Story

Tasha met Michael a couple weeks after his mission in the Mount Woodson Ward. He immediately fell in love with her beautiful smile and cheery temperament. Michael began to pursue a relationship with this beautiful woman. He tried wooing her with his horses, four-wheeler’s, and small baby kittens. Tasha devised a plan to remove herself from the situation by going off to education week a few weeks before school started just to get away from Michael. Some how by the work of the fates Michael bumped into her at education week and took her on a date every night. Tasha managed to dismiss Mike once education week was over. They both went their separate ways while she was at school. Michael came and visited once or twice casually. Once Tasha returned for the holidays Michael took her to a young singles dance on New Years eve. After which she swiftly returned to school with out looking back. Once school was over Michael knew it was his chance... he moved in. He started to make connections with her family, fixing things, generally just making himself indispensable. They went on multiple dates for a matter of weeks. Michael finally built up enough gusto to tell Tasha he wasn't interested in dating other girls. She said there were a lot of girls like her, but Michael didn't want a girl like her... he wanted the original!

He gave her a week to think about it, and then took her on a date on June 25, 2008. This evening was different, Tasha finally came around, and they both came to an "understanding".

They have been dating ever since.

...Except for that one weekend when Michael had an emotional hiccup and made one of the worst blunders since Wesley the dread pirate roberts challenged Visini to a duel to the death... he said he wanted to "try dating other girls". For the next 2 to 3 days he managed to go on no dates, and only think about one woman. Tasha refused to talk to him so Michael had to find a way to make amends. He wrote a two page poem explaining that she was the only woman for him, and set off from Provo, Utah to visit Tasha to patch things up in San Diego. With a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolate, and a lot of groveling Michael was able to repair the damage caused by his insolence.

Michael finally proposed on March 22, 2009 on BYU campus.

They have been inseparable ever since.